No we should not move 'secret society forest' from city centres to remote or suburb areas. Just like cultural spaces we should make room for their existence and continuation whilst reform actions are taken to curb their excesses for a peaceful coexistence and public perceptivity change in our heterogeneous societies today.
Secrete society forests are more than cultural initiation passage, they hold many benefits, ranging from cultural specialization schooling, preserving medicinal herbs for various local diseases and (possibly) undiscovered ailments; ecological integrity through the preservativion of primary forests; cultural relics and sacred knowledge of cultures; and the dots connecting or linking cultural relation between ethnic groups in Sierra Leone and Africa at large [transnational relation] (example: use of Yoruba and Igbo language as sacred language for the membership of some Secret society groups in Sierra Leone). A lot more other benefits can be derived from preservation efforts to these forest.
What we should instead embark upon is preservation effort for these spaces in urban or metropolitan settings. Some preservation efforts are as highlighted below:
1. RESEARCH: It's fundamentally necessary to consider conducting research studies on the practices and conduct of secrete society groups in order to:
I. Help preserve potentially lost knowledge and document yet undocumented relics;
II. Study the herbal medicinal uses and their efficacy and application to local and more than ailments; and
III. Identify dangerous practices and advance mechanisms for reform actions.
The establishment of laboratory 🔬 facilities and collaboration efforts between traditional groups and academic/ think tank institutions can help shape the conduct of such studies and advance hidden but yet relevant knowledge in the use of herbal medicines and traditional therapeutic practices for economics and social benefits.
IV. Research efforts can also help establish the transnational link/connection between cultures in the subregion and Africa at large whilst also taking note of cultural losses or gains (through acculturation, assimilation or amalgamation) made since the establishment of modern African States.
2. Recording and documenting folklores and legends: secret society forest may be the powerbank of knowledge, arts and culture. The tradition of narrative story telling is losing out and a whole lots of knowledge is draining down the blackhole because of lack of interest to document and preserve knowledge. Efforts must be made to preserve this form of knowledge base and document them. Cultural preservation spaces must be established to ensure access to and familiarisation to such knowledge. Our culture holds the key to technological revolution, economic and social advancements.
3. Funding opportunity: government should consider making provision for funds to preserving these forest. In many instances people engage in herbal medicine (herbalists) are considered witches and the practice is considered backward and irrelevant. Funding efforts to establish laboratory facilities for research, to fence these places; and give scholarship opportunities to herbalists to further their studies or research in places like China, Ghana or Nigeria (where herbal medicines are use alternatively to that of clinical med) can help in exchange and enlightenment processes. There are lots of economic and social benefits to the practice than seen today.
4. Reform actions against Violent and Dangerous practices: this is especially the case when it comes to how certain groups forcefully initiate some of its new members. One fundamental concern regarding secret society groups in metropolitan areas is the respect for human rights and the concern for consent giving for intakes. In many instances new members are forcefully initiated (for some groups) . This threatens the security of the unwilling members and general public who consider the practice alien or irrelevant or unrelated to their culture. Reform actions that conform to heterogeneous coexistence and acceptance must be taken. This will not only boost public confidence and security concern, but also help maintain best practices. Initiation materials should be inspected and regulation efforts must be shown to avoid harm or health related problems or concern.
What's your take on the concerns and strategies highlighted above. What's your advice regarding the safeguarding and preserving of cultural spaces and secret society forests?
~Amadu Wurie Jalloh
30th August, 2024
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