Wednesday, 11 November 2020

The Limkokwing University Saga: The Issues

By now many of us would have familiarized ourselves with the Anti Corruption Commission report on late Dr. Minkailu Bah (former minister of Education, Science, and Technology) and the Limkokwing University (Sierra Leone chapter). We may have read how he singlehandedly entered into a deal with the university for its establishment in Sierra Leone (flouting due processes) and eventually committing the government with the responsibility of providing a space for the construction of its main campus and to a great financial burden of providing a scholarship for 1,200 students per year. He could go on to submitt a document stating the number of students to receive the grant-in-aid to the then financial secretary  without indicating the cost estimate for the benefit of parliament who should debate its structure when presented in the national budget. It came out that a single student offering a bachelor's degree programme would receive a grant-in-aid worth up to US$ 3,000; while Diploma students were paid for USD$ 2,500 (triple the amount offered to students across public universities). 

Even after granting an Executive Clearance to settle payment of financial obligations for the academic year of 2016/2017 and 2017/2018 of up to twenty two billion Leones (Le 22,000,000,000), the Government of Sierra Leone (GoSL) still has to pay an outstanding financial obligations worth up to thirty three billion Leones (Le 33,000,000,000) for the academic year 2018/2019. Reasons for delay of payment?: Well,"...fiscal challenges and the unfairness of incurring such liability for few students when compared to other students on government grants-in-aid in various Universities" (Thomas A. R., 2020-- Sierra Leone Telegraph). 

Critics Perspectives:

Several critics have called for a complete shutdown of the programme. They argue that the scholarship is costly (relative to cost of grant-in-aid across public universities in the country); and that its beneficiaries are mostly relatives or supporters of the previous administration, which to them is unfair. Call that pork barrel politics. 

Of course their claims are critical. But we I assure you we stand to lose woefully if we choose to end it abruptly rather than renegotiating terms. As the legal pundits would advise: a man dies with his indictments. So we should be careful lest innocent Sierra Leonean youths pay the price. The primary suspect in all this saga (former education minister) is gone to a place of no return. His indictments die with him. Hence, we should renegotiate terms to arrive at a win-win solution. 

The money spent is not refundable and in fact we are obliged to fulfil payment to the college for the remainder. Education is the flagship programme of this administration. We cannot deny the need for education to promote sustainable development (sustainable as in people-driven development). If we don't educate our youths, we would end relegating them to mere consumers (rather than producers). 

I am sure no one would reject an opportunity to study in a prestigious university on a scholarship opportunity. The youths are not the ones who created the system, in fact they are victims of corrupt system. The system is such that you tend to lose hope in any genuine progress making you believe that the only way to survive is to affiliate with a political party. The abuse and misuse of positions are not new and it's ongoing. We needn't target its victims, but the perpetrators. The youths of this country are almost hopeless and among the most underemployed. 

A Way Out:

Like I earlier on advised, government should fund already enrolled Sierra Leonean students  for one more academic year just so that everyone would be certified. New intake/admission (on grant-in-aid basis) should seize; those in year one should be graduated with a certificate; those in year two with diploma; qualifying students  awarded Higher National Diploma; and finalists be awarded with bachelor's degree. Without these papers, a good number of them (especially those without capital to start their own businesses) would have trouble securing a job. They end up becoming retarded and frustrated dropouts. Deviants are born; self-esteem is dampened; and mental health problems (out of frustration after hopes were raised) are bound to occur. And it will cost society more to tackle these results. 

Another way to address this issue of unfair treatment is making these set of students sign a memorandum of agreement to serve the nation (as volunteers) for a stipulated period of time after graduation (especially those with HND and bachelor's degree). Similar programmes are designed for youths in other countries; and the results are fantastic. The volunteers will have the chance to gain first hand knowledge on practical problem solving (regarding their discipline of study) whilst contributing to community development. 

I would also recommend that GoSL design similar programmes across public institutions and employ these graduates (especially those with degrees) to transfer the knowledge gained (since some of the programmes offered by the institution are new and critical to the job market). This way we can add value into our curricula whilst at the same time invest in the human capital development of the nation for a prosperous nation.

We all have one Sierra Leone to call home. We should not commit the same folly our forefathers and fathers committed. We should learn to take advantage of opportunities that will move this country. Instead of punishing the deprived victims (who are mostly relegated youths) we should emphasize on accountability and support the fight to end/curb corruption.  


~Amadu Wurie Jalloh 

Students Analysts and Writers Network

Emmanuel Ivorgba Foundation

Do we need an increase in years of terms of service for a transformative development?

 No!! Length of service is not the reason why some African rulers are underperforming. They simply are incapable and are unpatriotic. 

In fact, you could find fewer countries in Africa where long serving leaders have managed to transform the state. Since 1960 (post colonial rule for most Sub-Saharan Africa) Sub-Saharan Africa has in total got ten heads of states that have clinged unto power for over thirty years. 

2020 is a symbolic year to authoritarian rule in the subregion as it marks more than three decades since Rulers like Teodoro Obiang Ngua Mbasogo of Equatorial Guinea, Paul Biya of Cameroon, and Yoweri Museveni of Uganda assumed power in their respective countries (Felter C., 2020).

The following is a rundown of some of the longest serving (or those that served the longest) heads of state in the subregion (this doesn't feature royal leadership) as presented by Felter C. (2020):

1.Gabon's Omar Bongo (60 years)

2. Equatorial Guinea's Teodoro O. N. Gbasogo 40 years

3. Angola's Jose Ed. Santos (38 years)

4. Togo's Gnassingbe Eyadama  (37)

5. Cameroon's Paul Biya (37 years)

6. Zimbabwe's Robert Mugabe (37 years)

7. Republic of  Congo's Denis S. Nguesso (36 years)

8. Ivory Coast's Felix Houphouet- Boigny (33)

9. Democratic Republic of Congo's  Mobutu S. Seko (31 years)

10. Malawi's Hastings K. Banda (29 years)

11. Sudan's Omar al-Bashir (29 years)

12. Eretrea's Isaias Afwerki (29 years); and

13. Benin's Mathieu Kerekou (28 years).

Note, this does not include those who served more than the original constitutional mandate of not more than 10 years (the likes of Siaka Stevens of Sierra Leone and Lansana Conteh of Guinea served more than 10 years).

Any Meaningful Impact?

Well, some of us are familiar with the economic and sociopolitical atmospheres in these countries. It's safe to say these countries  are a bunch of underperforming states grappling with economic downturn and political and social instability. Length of service has not in any way helped bring improvement in any of these nations. In fact, there is a greater tendency for countries  with such leadership style to perform poorly in key development indexes/measures, especially on governance, accountability, human rights, freedom of speech,  and economic equality. 


Even as the occurrences of military coups  has reportedly dropped, constitutional coups are becoming increasingly widespread in the Subregion. Recent cases of this include Guinea and Ivory Coast where incumbents have managed to amend the constitution to award themselves more time to rule even as oppositions object. The legislature and judiciary have in many instances helped in facilitate that. And the security sector have been key in consolidating their stay in power. Leaders have used force to silence opposition and dissent.

And yet still, AU and other regional intergovernmental agencies have been slow in addressing the issue of constitutional coups. The continent is gradually regressing under the watchful eyes of its hypocritical and self-centered leaders. 

We should be watchful and protect our democracy lest we retrogress without noticing. Constitutional coup is the new strategy.

Constitutional coup is just as worse as military coups. 

~Amadu Wurie Jalloh

Students Analysts and Writers Network

The Emmanuel Ivorgba Foundation

Saturday, 31 October 2020

Ethnic Conservatism is nothing wrong as long as it doesn't disturb the peace


Africa is home to over 2,000 of the world's estimated 6,000 spoken languages, meaning the continent accounts for 1/3rd of spoken languages. A huge social capital if utilized well. 

UNESCO, however, has expressed fear that if care is not taken, half of the world languages (spoken presently) will extinct by the end of the 21st century. The West African region is set to lose 50 of its languages by the end of the century. Evidences of language extinction are obvious. Many ethnic minority groups have being assimilated by major ethnic groups like Themne, Mende and Krio. For instance, the number of Limba and Loko speaking groups are observably dwindling, majority of whom are now speaking Themne-- the dominant group in the North and West of the country. It's also hard to come across people who speak Vie language (I am not sure the spelling is correct) and other minority groups. Some of our Fula relatives (early settlers) that made contact with the Themnes in the North in the early 19th century also suffered similar consequences, the abandoning of their language- this could result to strained relationship with their fula relatives who would enter the country in later years. They discriminated against each other (many say the later entrants couldn't accrue their predecessors the full trust they deserve). 

But here is one thing you should note about the Fulas, we are a predominantly herding group with hardly any specific homestead or regional origin. Most accounts of us say we originated from Tekrur, Senegal (several other accounts giving us different origins also exist) . Of course we are a negro ethnic group. Our skin colour/tune of our skin is purely African. Being herders, traders, and Islamic scholars, we hardly could settle down in one specific area. Hence, something should be done to preserve our language lest we are assimilated and extinct. A feeling of insecurity (over possible loss of language) surely could strike such a nation, the result is what we see today: a structural phenomenon called conservative/traditionalism enforced through dignification and honoring of conservatism, especially in terms of marriage. Hey, but let no one tell you it has been so all the time. Before now, religion has been used as a criteria for qualification (especially for the girl child). That would explain why so much Intermarriage is seen occuring between the Fulas and Mandinka people (my maternal grandmother, for instance, is Koranko). Today, it's not uncommon to see Fula women given in marriage to other nations, too; the same with the men, many are taking other nations for wife. Islam is bridging that gap (Islam is deeply entrenched in the Fula tradition). 

So the claims about our conservatism is to some extent not true. Yes, true, we mostly emphasize marriage between family members or tribesmen, but marriage intermarriage is also allowed and widely practiced. We however should not make irrelevant the consequences of both choices. Family marriage has its medical as well as its social disadvantages, but to every advantage there is/are advantage(s). 

I can argue that the Conservative nature of the nation has to a greater extent helped save its language from extinction.  Being a predominantly herding group with nomadic tendencies, the group will risk losing its language and eventually cultural tenets if it practices more of Intermarriage than family marriage. The Fula ethnic group, unlike many other groups, hardly have metropolitan dominance to influence other minority groups into their culture. The few strategic locations they have managed to establish dominance (in terms of number) are mostly suburbs or village settings with lesser economic activities to attract settlers, especially the Sierra Leone context. Hence, they are mostly forced into assimilation for business and social gains. That's the case why majority of Sierra Leonean born Fulas cannot speak Fula; likewise majority of Nigerian born Fulas (they mostly speak Hausa Language). You now start to understand why the Themnes, Krios, and Mendes have withstood the test of time to be the dominant cultures in Sierra Leone. Most metropolitan areas are in their hold. As such, acculturation processes would favour them at the expense of minority groups, like the Fula, Limbas, Loko, etc. 

Intermarriage (as within the same nation) is one way to save a language from extinction, especially in our fastly urbanizing societies of today. Every group has right to their identity and belonging. One should feel confident to speak the language their parents speak; they should be proud to be uniquely gifted with a language thay embodies the historical struggles and achievements of their fathers and forefathers. One's language should be a blessing and not a liability. We need to feel confident about whom we are. As noted by UNESCO: 

"Every language reflects a unique world-view with its own value systems, philosophy and particular cultural features. The extinction of a language results in the irrecoverable loss of unique cultural knowledge embodied in it for centuries, including historical, spiritual and ecological knowledge that may be essential for the survival of not only its speakers, but also countless others."

Hence, as suggested by Anthony Woodbury (n.d.), languages are an embodiment of cultural, spiritual, and intellectual life of nation, any alterations to this will directly impact the way such people experience prayers, myths, ceremonies, poetry, oratory, technical vocabulary, unique terms of habits, behaviour, and emotions. The loss of such a culture is mostly accompanied by struggle to fit in properly. For instance, a Fula would hardly sound exactly as a Krio in accentuating  Krio, or exactly like a Themne or Mende in accentuating those languages. When you realize you are not completely English or Krio and are also far lost from your true ethnic identity, you then would struggle to refashion a new culture for your family to make them more socially confident. But in either case, they will struggle more in enhancing the required language skills to compete with those who are truly English or Krio. This is the case of our education system in Sierra Leone, you realize that we spend years in school learning how to speak English, while our Western counterparts spend those years mostly learning livelihood skills or technical support knowledge. In Sierra Leone, for instance, competency is measured in terms of one's level of fluency in English and not necessarily the quality of human capital produced to transform the society.

As Anthony Woodbury would also warn: "Some say that language loss is an inevitable consequence of progress and promotes understanding among groups. But this goal can be met by the learning of second and third languages, not by the loss of first languages. As anthropological linguists have shown in a variety of cases, language loss is far more directly a consequence of intolerance for diversity, particularly when practiced by the powerful against the weak."

Therefore, instead of putting pressure on a minority group to abandon their conservative practice (as in marriage), we should encourage people to learn their culture and maintain their cultural heritage. We also should create necessary sociopolitical atmosphere for languages to strive whilst at the same time promoting intercultural understanding and respect. We should encourage communities to fashion alphabets and symbols to facilitate learning and preserving their language. We should encourage multilingual formation for respect and understanding. You would learn to understand and respect a group (the more) when you learn their language (language is the backbone of culture). It has its social as well as economic potentials. 

The problem of Africa is not its diverse languages, but the bad policies and the lack of leadership. Don't let someone deceive you info thinking that another nation is your threat. Our actual threats are our attitudes, with which we impact our younger generation of leaders. We need to teach our children to respect others; we need to teach them that success is not measured in terms of how many cars or homes you own, but by how impactful you are to your society. We need to teach them to be just and God fearing (not just being prayerful). We need to teach them that the country is greater than your ethnic group and your self desires. We must teach them to be charitable and helpful towards each other. And most importantly, we must teach them to be disciplined and honest.

The Conservative nature of the Fulas is not the cause of our bad governance; it's not the cause for our failing economies; it's not the cause of our bad roads and poor infrastructure; it's not the cause of unemployment or poverty; and it's surely not the reason why we should deny them the right to political franchise and association. Yes we have a people with superiority complex (narrow mindedness), but I assure you majority are tolerant. In fact, over 50% of our people cannot speak the language, which is not bad for the republic. But we also should be mindful of the pressure we exact on minority groups to blend with majority groups. We should think about the consequences to such a group. 

~Amadu Wurie Jalloh

Monday, 18 May 2020

The Suspension of the Periodic General Cleaning Exercise In Sierra Leone and its Possible Public Health Implications

~ By Amadu Wurie Jalloh

Sierra Leone and its West African counterparts are fraught with several public health related issues that literally deserve the same urgency of treatment as Coronavirus, and one of which is environment health management crises.

But just how serious is environmental health management a problem globally?

Globally, an estimated 12.6 million people die annually because of poor environmental health related issues, which is almost 1/4th of all global deaths per year (World Health Organization, 15th March, 2016).  Demographically, the WHO (Supra) emphasized that young children (under 5) and older people (between the age of 50 and 70) are affected the most by environmental risks with an estimated 1.7 million deaths and 4.9 million deaths, respectively. And geographically, the phenomena takes its greatest toll on low and middle income countries (mostly South-East Asia and Western Pacific Regions). Environmental health related complications accounts for 2.2 million deaths in the African Region. Cardiovascular diseases and ischemic heart diseases are the major causes of environmental health related deaths. And the indiscriminate and irresponsible disposal of waste is one among the many causes of this crises globally.

According to Godfrey et al. (24th July, 2019), in other to achieve the SDGs 2030, environmental and public health provisions encompassing sustainable waste management approaches should be given the serious political attention it deserve. As at 2012, Municipal Africa generates an estimated 125 million tonnes of solid waste (MSW) annually-- sub-Saharan Africa accounts for 81 million tonnes (65%). The situation is expected to aggravate by 2025 to 224 million tonnes annually. Unfortunately, only 55% (68 million tonnes) of waste is collected. MSW collection in sub-Saharan Africa only averaged 44%. The remainder of our municipal solid waste could be found in our streets, parking lots, sidewalks, drainage facilities, open fields and rivers as pollutants. Also, it's not all collected waste could end up being recycled or put into some other use. In fact, only 4% of generated MSW end up being recycled-- we have marginalized informal peekes and reclaimers to mostly thank for that.
Sierra Leone is seriously challenged with solid waste management, water, sanitation, and hygiene problems. Blinker (2006) argues that only a small fraction of solid waste is collected in Sierra Leone, with up to 90% of Sierra Freetown's residents relying on on-site sanitation with serious overflowing constraints during the rainy season. The country experiences flooding almost every year, causing serious damages to properties and deaths among many Urban settlers (especially informal settlements). The August 2017 mudslide (partly caused by heavier precipitation level and land-cover loss) and flash flood (partly caused by poor drainage system/blockage to accommodate the change in magnitude water flow) could claim the lives of over 300 people in the outskirt of Freetown. The increase in heavy precipitation during the rainy season (largely due to climate change) is largely unprecedented for, the infrastructure in urban settlements are not well planned to contain the new wave of heavy waters surging from the hilltops and from the mostly tightly arranged/fitted structures in its Urban centers forming from the periphery. 

It was on this backdrop that the government reinstated the monthly general cleaning across the country. The central Government of Sierra Leone spends 3.9 billion Leones every month to keep the project going. The money is distributed among local council authorities with the aim of keeping the urban communities clean and healthy. It's hoped that the cleaning exercise will help avert or mitigate the effect of environmental health challenges. The result are obviously impressive. The country experienced less flooding and environmentally related catastrophes in 2019.
Meanwhile, due to the economic impact created by Covid-19 and the urgent need to redirect funding to the fight against Covid-19, the government of Sierra Leone has since April, 2020 suspended funding to local council to continue the monthly cleaning exercise. But this move will likely have serious health implications if not reinstated, especially so when the rainy season is about to start now.

Less than 40 percent of Sierra Leoneans have access to clean drinking water. Waterborne diseases and hygiene related crises such typhoid, diarrhea, and malaria are some of the leading causes of deaths in the country. The cut off of funding to continue the monthly cleaning exercise means more wastes (especially solid waste) are going to be accumulated in open fields, drainage systems and other spots in communities. This will create a breeding grounds for mosquitoes and accelerate the rate of mosquito bite and malaria. The situation would also threaten to encourage houseflies multiplication and the spread of typhoid and elephantiasis diseases. To make matters worst, as we approach the rainy season, with the recent increase in heavy precipitation caused by climate change, the untended gutters and general drainage facilities would expose communities to flooding and other environmental health crises. The rains will also transport all poisonous substances to community Wells and water sources where most people rely on to fetch drinkable water from.

Given the country's environmental profile (Sierra Leone lists as third country mostly prone to the effect of global warming), the government should hurriedly resume its usual cleaning exercise before the rains increase to avert possible public health crises. We should be expecting heavier rain fall in the ensuing years. Hence, the gutters should be cleared now, landfills be emptied taking the waste to appropriate sites,  and waste collected and dumped at the various appropriate sites across the country be recycled to prevent cholera, malaria, diarrhea, and other hygiene related crises. Though an expensive exercise (given the time), we cannot risk putting this nation into another yet horrific Public health crises when we can prevent their occurrences.

There is no way we can tackle Covid-19 as a public health crises without considering other equally worrisome health risks in the country and the subregion. Government needs to ensure the programme resumes soonest before the rains get bigger (as they already have started coming). The need for clean water supply in the fight against all public health crises can't be overemphasized here. To cut down the tonnes of plastic waste accross the country and reduce the burdens of clearing gutters and collecting solid waste, SALWACO should be empowered. Households should have access to clean drinking water through their taps, and they will eventually reduce buying plasticised filtered water. This can help save lives and government funding.

Photo credit: Freetown City Council

®The Emmanuel Ivorgba Foundation
® Students Analysts and Writers Network


Tuesday, 5 May 2020

Political Fascism and Patriotism: Civilizational Malapropism

We have a problem in Sierra Leone. A so huge a problem that if not addressed urgently, we shall  never, I repeat: we shall never progress as a country. This problem has established itself in almost all spheres of life in society, and we don't want to talk about it, or (better) still we think it may not have reached that level of seriousness. We have got political fascists to deal with in this country. Yes, I mean political cultists, totalitarians, extremists, zealots, myrmidons, idolaters, ideologues, sheeples, bigots, fanatics, etc. Name it, we have got those people. And you know what, they are threatening to erode our national values of a tolerance, perseverance, civility, love, equality, justice, freedom, and most importantly respect for dissenting ideologies and diversity.

But more worrisome is the silence of our activists and educated youths on the matter. We seem relaxed and careless over the ploy to destabilize our democracy by a few idiots who are on a mission to make accomplices of their gullible listeners and supporters. Make no mistake, you can find such idiots from both the ruling party and its main opposition. Their defensive mechanisms is profanity as opposed to constructive debate. They use obscenities to fray off any critical person. They will so much so pressurize you to make you feel guilty for not being on their sides. Their definition of patriotism?: being on their side (APC or SLPP); violence and not the ballot box to bring about change; bastardizing anyone who questions their gullibility and the people who feed them poison; hating a people (from an ethnic or regional whole) who have no role in your wretchedness. They simply don't want to take responsibility of their blunders. They don't want to acknowledge the fact that they had exhausted their one chance to vote candidates with the wits and moral qualities to represent them and steer the wheel to a brighter future. They now see five years too long a time  to correct their blunders. That mistake of voting in someone you barely knew, some guy from overseas presented to you by your party to love and follow after dumping your best guy whom you knew and are still aware that knows your constraints and have been responding to your needs with the little resources they had.

Isn't it ironic that someone who couldn't stand up against his/her party when they disenfranchised them by dictating who leads them as opposed to their choices would today dare stand up against a whole nation to question the power that be? You couldn't stand up against your party big-guns when one man bulldozed his way unto the top declaring himself winner, and yet you want to stand up against a whole civilization and deny them their peace?

You know what patriotism is? Patriotism is best defined by honesty. We should be honest to ourselves. We should be honest to accept that we brought this upon ourselves as youths. We don't have to make that old woman in the village, that woman in the marketplace, those girls and boys in our homes, and the innocent many whom we should have sensitized, engaged, and educated on how to make a better choice to pay for our stupidity by unleashing anarchy in society. Patriotism is best defined as one being honest in their dealings with their nation; one being honest enough and thoughtful in making a decision that will affect the whole nation; one being honest enough to vote their country and not ethnic or regional divide; and most importantly one accepting their mistakes and protecting the nation from any destructive force (from within or external).

We are the problems were are going through right at now. Even if you did not vote for this president, you sure voted for that member of Parliament who in November 2018 requested for 300 percent increment of their salary neglecting the plight of the over 50 percent of the unemployed many and the other civil servants who are underpaid. You indeed are the one who voted for that member of Parliament who in November 2019 approved the Finance Bill 2020 granting the president, vice president and the speaker of Parliament the privilege of spending thousands of US dollars on oversea vacations without having to account for it (which by the way the president in his wisdom refuse to sign ). Yes, you voted for those parliamentarians who set up a ploy to hijack the speaker of the house from the majority party in Parliament. Yes, you did vote a parliamentarian who until now cannot repeal subsections (k), (I) and (m) of section 77 of the Constitution that allow them to be loyal to their parties than to the state. And most importantly, we voted parliamentarians who endorsed a 12 months (I mean a whole twelve months) Public State of Emergency without flinching a bit. Isn't it ironical for KKY to be complaining about the excessive use of decrees by the government to rule the country in recent times when he was one among the many of parliamentarians who approved a 12-month SOE? Didn't he think it twice to know that was too much a time to allow for a review of the failures, lapses and lessons learnt under such circumstances in order to rectify it in time?

Comrades, I assure you, if we truly wish for a change in this country, we should have to pressurize our MPs in our constituencies to repeal the bad laws; rectify ambiguous laws; and draft bills that can ensure the Independence of the judiciary and the depoliticization of our security (especially the police). If changes is what we truly wish for, we can start questioning the leadership choice of our political parties that do not represent our choices. We should not allow them to impose on us leaders we don't Know, or choose. Change has to start somewhere within us first. It has to start with change of mindset. With a positive mindset, we can change the hierarchical structure of our political parties; with a positive mindset, we can learn to identify our leaders by their deeds and not by what we are fed; and with positive mindset,we can learn to engage in constructive debate rather than being obscene and violent. And most importantly, with a positive mindset, we can learn to accept that as at this time, the whole world is faced with hardship like never before. People everywhere in the world are crying of violation of human right and  a threat to their livelihood. It can be harder for us if we choose violence than constructive criticism of happenings.

~Amadu Wurie Jalloh
® Students Analysts and Writers Network
®The Emmanuel Ivorgba Foundation

Sunday, 3 May 2020

As Covid-19 threatens to increase food insecurity in West Africa, our government should get their act together and face the real threat to public order: Hunger

The Sierra Leone government should at now try to focus its attention to the issue of livelihood and the fight against Covid-19 rather than getting involved into another warfare: a political one. We are already in a more deadly warfare with an invincible enemy, Covid-19 is squashing our economy slowly but intensely, and as things get uglier, it's the poorest of the poor that could pay the highest cost. For instance, according to a report released by USAID on the 30th January, 2018, the 2014-2016 Ebola epidemic exposed the whole of Sierra Leone to a grave health impacts, and aggravated food insecurity problem in the  country owing to disruption of livelihood support activities, decrease in purchasing power and quarantine measures. The report, referencing the United Nations World Food Programme and the World Bank, further expressed that more than 50 per cent of Sierra Leone's population live under the national poverty line; and that, according to the 2017 Global Hunger Index, hunger is very widespread in the country, with approximately 38 per cent of children below 5 years of age suffering from stunting due to severe malnutrition.

This time things may get worst as livelihood disruption and quarantine measures are ubiquitously observed across the world. The IMF has warned that in 2020 the world may experience the worst recession since 1930s with global economy set to contract by 3 per cent in 2020 as opposed to early January forecast of a global GDP expansion of 3.3 per cent for this year.

How Ready is Africa to Face this Issue?

A report by the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), indicated that the impact of the Coronavirus pandemic could see the spike in number of people at risk of food insecurity and malnutrition from 17 million to 50 million between the period of June and August 2020 alone. Meanwhile, "nine out of 10 African children do not meet the criteria for minimum acceptable diet outlined by the World Health Organization, and two out of five don’t eat meals regularly...." Annually, child hunger costs Ethiopia 16.5% of its GDP. The rate for Rwanda is 11.5%. The report says “for every dollar invested in reducing stunting, there is a return of about $22 (£17) in Chad, $21 in Senegal, and $17 in Niger and Uganda”, and if the investment is made early in the child’s life, the return rates can be even higher: up to $85 in Nigeria, $80 in Sudan and $60 in Kenya" (Saeed Kamali Dehghan, 5th June, 2019). Dehgan (Supra) further emphasized that by 2050, if things continue as they are now, undernourished, malnourished and hungry children and young people will amount to one billion in Africa; and more than half of African countries are presently off track to achieve the targets required in the African regional nutrition strategy (2015-2025).

Meanwhile, the agricultural season is ushered in this time by difficulty, perhaps more severe now than before. Farmers and producers have already suffered great economic downturn and market structures/system are ever more constrained this time due to the crisis making it difficult to access quality seeds and fertilizers. Agriculture makes up of 30.5 per cent of West Africa's economy, making it the largest source of income and livelihood for up to 70-80 percent of the population (with women in domination).

Oxfam International (20th April, 2020) warned that the impact of Coronavirus combined with the lean season and conflict and insecurity, which will overwhelm the population of the subregion, should be looked into and international cooperation and concerted efforts among states remain the best ways to counter the challenges.  Recent developments in Sierra Leone however indicate disregard for the eminent challenges in the subregion. Political, regional and ethnic divides are becoming more widespread and tangible, and such developments are posing major threat to both food security and  physical security. The pace of politically motivated arrests have seemingly reached an explosive pitch. The country is at crossroads, it must now choose to either stay its course and consolidate its peace and unity while at the same time building public trust in institutions, or divert attention to political warfare and arbitrary arrests that will undermine our ability to tackle Covid-19 before it becomes explosive. We have already started experiencing the wave of disobedience and anger among Sierra Leonean youths, a development that will further increase the fragility of our nation state and repel potential investors. As the UN secretary general Antonio Guterres would warn the UN security council members of other pressing risks to global security from the pandemic: "armed groups seeing an opportunity to strike, potentially with a biological attack; the erosion of trust in public institutions; economic instability; political tensions from postponing elections; uncertainty sparking further division and turmoil in some countries; and COVID-19 "triggering or exacerbating various human rights challenges", we should be concerned with this growing tension reminiscing the cause of twelve years Civil War as is narrated in the TRC report.

In the meantime, the following remarks by the secretary general should be a food for thought for our politicians at this material time: "To win against it and to overcome its consequences we need also to overcome our prejudices, phobias, hatreds, distrust, suspicions,"... And to us the ordinary people: "It's not the time for contests - who did what and who was more successful than others. It's not the time for blaming and finger-pointing. It's time to help, to share experiences, and to listen to each other and find ways to work together."

It's evident that things are rough and almost unbearable, but we can overcome in this fight. The hardship is a global reality at this time. Many people are angry even in advanced economies like the US. We should maintain the peace to save innocent lives and break the chain of transmission. We have few more years to express our anger and disappointments through the ballot box.

The ruling government should learn to from the mistakes of past adminstration and get their acts together to avoid committing the same blunders of the past. Sierra Leone is a fragile state. The judiciary should perform its duty in a free and fair (and independent) manner. Political prisoners (or accused) should be accorded their full right to justice. The habit of indefinite detention should stop. It has the potency to raise tension and anxiety, some of the breading grounds for social unrest.

The government should acknowledge people anger and the effect of the pandemic on livelihood. Efforts should be made to assist or bail out farmers and SMEs to cushion the economic and social effects of the pandemic. And where and when possible, citizens should be supported with food supply to ensure adherence to physical distancing. It could be costly, but a stitch in time can save nine. Lockdown measures should take into consideration the living conditions in the country. We should not assume a  one-size-fit-all strategy in the fight against Covid-19 in an impoverished nation as ours. Transparency, professionalism and equality are key in this fight. The security should be professional in dealing with people in quarantine or isolation units to safeguard both patients and the masses. As a people we should be transparent enough to report cases when we meet case definition. And as a government we should ensure transparency in treatment and response action in order to build trust. And equality in treatment should apply to all. We should not allow powerful or connected people to beat the system and expose the rest of the ordinary masses. We should ensure that the measure and policies apply to all irrespective of social status. Everybody should be regarded as a potential case.

We can overcome!

© Amadu Wurie Jalloh
®The Students Analysts and Writers Network
®The Emmanuel Ivorgba Foundation






Photo credit: anonymous (Said to have taken in northern Congo

Disclaimer: the above photo does not indicate what country it was taken.

Thursday, 30 April 2020


BY Moses Alankay Mansaray

Mama will be retiring next year, today we are celebrating her 59th birthday, mama has suffered so much, I can see the wrinkles in her face, the blisters in her hands and the scars all over her body, many of which are inflicted by her very own sons and daughters.
Our elder brothers and sisters that ought to have taken up the responsibility of looking after us and her, are not matching up to expectations.
Our beloved mum was blessed with illuminating beauty and elegance, she was admired by all her compatriots coming from the same clan to an extent that, she was the favourite of the numerous wives our former stepfather was having.

She suffered so many abuses in silent, she never complained because she was taught by our forefathers to be obedient and loyal.

Two of our other stepmothers and cousins to our mum (Ghana and Nigeria) were suffering the same abuses from our stepfather, this led them to seek for a divorce and they left the marital home we were all sharing.

A few years later, two of our elder brothers decided with other relatives that it was time for mama also to seek for divorce with the promise that they are of age and ability to look after our mum.
The whole problem started during the divorce hearing at the land of our stepfather, they disagreed and returned home divided, our selfish stepfather and his people took advantage of the situation and granted the divorced on very bad terms which are still affecting us to this day.
Mama was left empty!
Our beloved elder brother who was raised at our stepfather's homeland and who was insisting that the divorce should go on died shortly after taking up the reigns as head of the household.
Our other elder brother who was raised locally was very smart and crafty, after struggling with one of our other siblings, he finally succeeded to be the head of our new home, he entrenched himself to everything and other members of the family who were charged with the security of our household felt aggrieved, marginalised and ostracised, they forced the handpicked of our elder brother who has just taken over as head of the house to relinquish power to them, this struggle went on for so many years and many other unfortunate occurrences occurred during this period, our stepfather and some of his friends returned to mediate peace and helped us design ways to sustainable and mutual living, some of our brothers that connived with our neighbours to bring unrest were punished, banished and some are still in exile to this day.
We restarted in a very good footing but the selfishness of our elder siblings would not allow us to enjoy the remaining wealth of our mum.
Ebola came and killed many in our household and neighbours, shortly after, mudslide came, we had to spend the little we have to help those affected but were still stranded and had to shamelessly return to our stepfather like always to beg for assistance, our brothers are busy and bent on siphoning the money that was given to us as help.
Just when we think that we have survived all these and it's time for us to start rebuilding and moving forward, a strange sickness (Coronavirus) that has killed many in our stepfather's household and those of his friends and good neighbours visited us as poor as we are. We don't have where to turn to, and yet our brothers currently at the helm are exploring ways to benefit themselves.
Oh mama, I feel your pain, we the younger ones are hopeless about the future.
Many of us have finished school years back but we are still wandering around like idlers whiles our colleagues of the same age are prospering and excelling in other parts of the world.
Our pregnant sisters are dying before laying to bed, our younger siblings are passing away before they are five years of age.
You were respected by many for your discipline in education and resource management but today all we see is corruption.
We have few of our siblings that are trying to regain your past glory but the corruptible forces against them are sometimes too hard for them to withstand.
As you retire next year mama.... 😭😭😭😭😭 (burst into tears) unable to end.
*I love you mum even at 59.*

*Your son, Moses Alankay*

Friday, 24 April 2020

Vlogging: A Virtual Market Space for Our Sierra Leonean youths

What if I told you that Ghana and Nigeria are winning in the ongoing battle of rap supremacy between our own Hip-hop heavyweight and the rest of the OGs across Africa? Would you not be quick to jump into conclusion accusing me of betrayal unto a country fellow-- Kaodenero? Yes, you would. Especially so when I am the same guy who was taunting him and his fans yesterday and unto today afternoon when I finally decided to forgive and forget his folly. We are starting fasting tomorrow, and we should forgive ans forget.

I however want to tell you that this post is not about Kaodenero, or any of those rappers he's lyrically fighting with. Rather, this post is about our youths in general, but especially Sierra Leonean youths.

A few days ago I wrote a piece asking that people cheer up Kaodenero's project for both its market viability and the chance to promote the African culture and awake its people to a renaissance movement. Well, today again I want us to give a critical insight into the project as a whole and evaluate our gains so far.

But here are a few things you should know. Once more, this is not a piece about Kaodenero or any rapper, but a piece for us the African youths, especially Sierra Leonean youths. Kaodenero is a business man. His every move is a well calculated one. And he is set to upgrade himself, hence, he is packaging his career for the international market since the gains at home have not been huge, and worst still it seems to be getting more derailing in recent while. But he's not relenting anyway, he thinks he has something to offer the world: his talent, and he is making a through. He's now social media sensation across Africa, especially among Hip-hop lovers.

I however am concerned about the way Sierra Leoneans (especially his fans) have been partaking in the whole project. They can be seen in almost all social media platforms discussing about Kaodenero. They hit the like button more than any other nation; they make the most comments; and they share the links more than all others. They basically are loyal to the core. But hey!!! What if I am to tell you that that's not how to win this battle, would you mind taking your time to read this piece in its entirety just so you can understand my point?

Well, to make matters simple. I want us to look at it from a business perspective and not just about the hype. Don't get distracted. You are letting a market opportunity escape you. Don't just cherry pick punch lines and retorts to amuse fans or provoke the other side. But take your time and observe how the other guys are playing it. Observe how they have assumed panel of judges over the matter. They are the ones who administer the Facebook pages we like to partake in the discuss; they are the ones administering the YouTube accounts that analyse the Lyrical battle; and they are basically the ones making money out of it.

Whilst they are monetising it, we are expensing on it. We simply cannot fathom the market viability the beef is opening up. We are mere cheerers and not chairing it. How many of us know that Video blogging (sharing videos on social media such as YouTube) is a payable business for many people across the world? Few, hu? Well, what you are looking at is Ghanaians and  Nigerians reaping the financial benefit from our so called battle of supremacy whilst we sponsor them.

Since the battle of supremacy started I have never seen a shared YouTube link administered by a Sierra Leonean MC or promoter. All I keep seeing are Ghanaians and Nigerians administered links followed by Sierra Leoneans. Do you think those guys are doing it in order to promote our music? No! They are taking ownership of the project and capitalizing in your non- entrepreneurial tendencies to make fortune. That critical thinking is what we have lacked as a people. We do not think business in our every interaction. The Nigerians are peculiar business people. They are smart because they look at almost every situation as a business opportunity, and they reap the gains. We have a lot to learn from these people.

Hey! Don't get it twisted!I am not against the Nigerians and Ghanaians administering those accounts, I am only bringing this to your attention so that we know how to win a battle beyond points to coins; and beyond bars to banks. We should pay attention and observe how the game is played. The game is a virtual reality game, and there are internet savvy guys who are set waiting for the slightest move triggered by anyone to create an internet sensation to get views and likes so they get paid.

But just how does one get paid with a YouTube account?

YouTube pays video bloggers (basically, people who upload videos on their YouTube account for public consumption) on the basis of "Cost per impression (CPI)". The CPI is a metric used by YouTube to determine or gauge the amount of views and subscribers a vlogger can reach as per ad (short for advertisement) on every video uploaded. Hence, vloggers can go all out to create an engaging and interesting contents into their accounts to get more subscribers and viewers. Once they hit 10,000 views, they are up to making a pocket money because then they can share ads into those contents which viewers may watch. The lowest you could make as per 10,000 views is $2, and you can make more by simply sharing more engaging contents. So you now see how this Kaodenero thing is not just about the bars and lyrics but the market viability for vloggers.

We need vloggers in Sierra Leone. It takes great effort and patience to make a fortune out of it, but once you get the numbers, then rest assured you can get the pay. Make interesting contents and share it to friends and ask them to share them across. We do not need Ghanaians or Nigerians to always appreciate just how well our guys are doing, we can do the same here. We can appreciate their songs and videos and make them follow us as well. They are over 150 million population. That's a huge market for youths. Since we don't have the MTV or Trace, we can use YouTube to spread our stories across. We can draw their attention to what we do here as well. We do not have to sit by and watch them take the market gains of it whilst we clamour our lyrical prowess. The game is far bigger than Kao and Sarkodie. Kao has done his role, he's brought their attention to us, let's take ownership of the project and serve as members of the panel of judges.

So once more, I ask we become critical of unfolding and give a different looks into issues. Think business and invest your time in building your career and to business...

©Amadu Wurie Jalloh
® Students Analysts and Writers Network
®The Emmanuel Ivorgba Foundation

Monday, 20 April 2020

The Making of an Empire: Hip-hop King-Kongs across Africa Battling for Supremacy

Say what you may, but I assure you the beef thing between and among our hip-hop King-Kongs are yielding a market  viability.
KaoLastingKingDenero, Sarkordi, Lyrical Joe, Khaligraphy Jones and all those entrapped in this lyrical tug-of-war game are  working on a big project: amalgamating the hip-hop industry and fanbase of Africa for their own good. The diss and lyrical confrontations should be cheered up by fans across the continent. It is helping in widening the listenership of their lyrical proclivities and opening up an industrial space for hip-hop across Africa. This gives a hope to musicians from smaller countries with small fan base compared to those of Nigeria and Ghana. 

Gone are the days when the best selects of our nightclub DJs are Western Hip-hop and R&B songs. Today, more than ever, African artists are touring across the continent. Their hustle is intensifying in the continent. Their followers on YouTube and other platforms are almost matching their counterparts in the West. They are making big featurings and are blending the Caribbean Culture with our culture as well. This fuse of cultures has created what I could refer to as Raggae mutants such as the Dalas Bantan, Stone Boy, Whizkid (Starboy), PatoRanking, Starzee, Timaya, etc... These stars are technically repatriating their African fans. The same is happening in the R&B world (Banky W, Morris, 2 Baba/Face, Tiwa Savage, Adama (Foday n Linda fame), etc...).

But beyond the expansionism and Economic viability this project is going to yield, the Afrobeat is also helping bring to recognition the diversity of culture in Africa. It's no doubt promoting the rich African cultures. The international performances are acknowledging those facts. Our musicians and artists are now more confident to sing and perform in their local parlance and ethnic languages. The world cannot resist the thrilling sounds of Diamond Platinum (Swahili), Drizilik (Krio), Sidiki Diabate (Bambara), Internet man (Themne), Fatako (Fula), Takana Zion (Soso), Sarkordi (Twi), Olamide (Yoruba), etc... They are basically in a renaissance movement to revive the almost dying African cultures. They are also helping break the myths surrounding Africa rustic lifestyle and poverty popularized by Western media. Their musical videos are opening doors to African tourism. They are showing the rising middle-class lifestyle in Africa. They are basically telling the world that Africa is not only about the savannas and jungles and primitive lifestyle. Africa is rising and we should invest our resources to opening more doors.

What can be done to realize the benefits of this project?

Well, DJs, show promoters, and our media houses should follow the trail of the industry and coordinate efforts to organize bigger, more diverse, and truly African entertainment awards to raise the self-esteem of our artists and musicians and create job opportunities for more Africans. The continent is home to approximately 1.3 billion people. The continent is poised to overcome Asia in becoming home to the largest labour force by 2040. No prospect could have shown any clearer. Any delibrate move to invest in this project will naturally lead to a boost in the general Cultural and creative industries (fashion, music, art and craft, film and cinematography), and eventually the tourism sector. Countries and entertainment stakeholders should coordinate efforts to amass these opportunities for the betterment of the continent. The Ecofest Show by Kabaka Multimedia Entertainment (KME) is one such examplary move. Musicians and entertainers from across the continent are giving the opportunity to perform in a single stage. That project should extend to promotion of awards. The political will is utmost in realizing the success of such occasions and projects.

©Amadu Wurie Jalloh
®The Emmanuel Ivorgba Foundation
® Students Analysts and Writers Network
® Fottal Organization

Friday, 20 March 2020

Too many extra-classes, little time to study: How the disregard for self-directed learning process may explain the reason for massive failure in external examinations

In about four weeks time, our students in Anglophone West Africa would be commencing the WASSCE. Some for the first time, and many others for another turn. So far, the last results were awful and worrisome, to say the least. Some critics argue that it's the worst result since after the Civil War that officially ended in 2002.   In attempting to give possible explanation as to why the state of education (in terms of promotional rate) is retrogressing, analysts have propounded several conflicting and yet convincing theories. Most of whom blaming the lack of trained and qualified teachers; and others (call them conspiracy theorists) politics. While both proponents put up convincing points, the subject of lack of self-directed learning, I can say, has been given less attention. Knowles (1975, p. 18-- as cited by Bear A. A. G., 2nd November, 2012) suggested that self-directed learning as a process takes place when: "Individuals take the initiative, with or without the help of others, in diagnosing their learning needs, formulating learning goals, identifying  human and material resources for learning strategies, and evaluating learning outcomes."
We all need a guide/teacher to decode certain information. That's why we go to school and spend up to 5 hours in class almost everyday in highschool. But in the journey to acquiring knowledge, the greater task is left with the learner. The school introduces us to concept and walk us through key principles. It's then left with us the individual learners to explore further and understand them well- to ensure they stick with us either in verbatim or in concept. Learning goes further than accumulating notes and listening others teach. A student must take his/her extra-time to self-direct their learning process. It's an absolute betrayal by teachers to normalize extra-classes for students when they have all the time to give their best to students during normal school. In order to extort parents and their students alike, they deprived the  students quality teaching in normal active schooling hours just so they could persuade them to attend extra classes for a sum that will never quench their thirst for illicit money.
On the students side, here is what extra-classes can do to them:
1. It deprives students of their right to leisure: Leisure (adult play) is essential in reliving stress and promoting wellbeing of students (playing can stimulate the release of endorphins or feel-good chemicals in the body). Adult play can also help improve brain function and stimulate the mind and enhance creativity through puzzle and task solving. We need to encourage our students to have time for leisure after school. We are not training robots. Too much academic stress can lead to health complications and poor concentration of adult learners (see:; and
2. Extra-classes can kill the reading skill of students: students spend most of their time in extra-classes taking notes rather than reading the notes they have already accumulated since JSS 1 or (as in the case for those in Senior high) SS1. Teachers would succeed in confusing the students the more by giving them the same notes they had being giving in normal Schooling hours by different teachers along the line to JSS3 or SS3. They will copy the same notes they had in previous other classes over and over again without grasping a thing from them. They would spend one fourth of the night taking notes in these extra-classes, and get back home exhausted and stressed up for sleep. No time to study or revise on their own. They would hardly read accurately. In many instances, these students cannot read a whole paragraph without getting stuck several times along the way by simple jargons. If they finally reach the finish line, they would not make out what they read. We simply are not allowing them to have time on their own to read. As per the principles of self-directed learning, they should spend more time to identify the learning tools and methods on their own than relying completely on someone to aid them. Aiding should come at a point where they need clarification. But unfortunately for our own students, they literally spend 90 per cent of their time taking notes and lectures rather than self directing their learning process. It's when you are allowed to read enough that your reading and writing skills will improve virtually further (see: Their is no way our students can write sense or give something back they didn't not read. Listening alone is not enough for examinations. In order to give good performance in examinations, one has to be a good writer too. And the beta way to enhance your writing potentials is to read widely. You may already have all the notes you are chasing after, but you just can't figure it out because you don't have time to read. You are busy taking notes instead of studying the few you have. You stand a better chance when you master the few notes you have than accumulating it all and knowing none.

So I argue that in order to boost the performance of our students in the external examinations, we need to permit the students to have enough time to leisure and self-study under our supervision and aid. Teachers who call for extra-classes in normal Schooling weeks are not only extorting Students and parents, but they are also draining our students the energy they should save for self-directed learning at home whilst also killing the students' learning potentials. Extra-classes are in fact more detrimental to girl-pupils who are apportioned greater responsibility in carrying the house chores after school. As though that's not enough to exhaust them, they will be forced (technically) to attend extra-classes to make up for the quality lecture the teacher deprived them in school just for little sum. The need for extra-classes should only come about in the weekends to revise notes taking throughout the week for students' benefit. The ministry of education has a role to play in identifying teachers involved in these practices and taking the right actions against them. They are simply killing our students' learning opportunity and their future.

©Amadu Wurie Jalloh
® Students Analysts and Writers Network
®The Emmanuel Ivorgba Foundation

Friday, 6 March 2020

Menstrual Pads/tampons are a Need and not a Want for Girls and Women!!!

Ever since the first lady announced her move to support girls with menstrual Pads in schools, we have seen a barrage of complains and misinformation on the matter. Some unpatriotic individuals have  even gone to the extreme to download and circulate pictures of some unfortunate circumstances that happened somewhere outside Sierra Leone missinforming people to say the health complications are the result of the menstrual Pads the government would be distributing. Their actions are tantamount to betrayal of the state, and especially for girls and women whose very existence depends on how much knowledge they have and care they give to menstrual hygiene.
What is wrong in giving free sanitary pads to girls? There are times Sierra Leoneans' actions amuse me a lot. We can mix politics in everything. We hardly know what we want from our leaders. When it comes to free condom distribution, the complains are few. But ever since it came to menstrual pad distribution, people have been complaining. But sex is a choice (so condoms should be sold). Menstruation is not a choice (menstrual pads are to be given free to girls). Women experiencing menstruation or menarche are undergoing a lot of pains or mental pressure. They can skip school or be restricted into certain religious and social gathering because of menstruation. Certain girls who cannot afford enough to buy pads would have to use a single pad for the rest of the day or use some unsafe material for leakage control where they catch infections that will cost them a lot of money to treat. In some cases, these infections have cost some women their womb. It puts them in difficult position to bear children safely. Why are we so so blind to understand that girls need these things. How many of our parents or relatives would care to give extra money to our sisters to buy menstrual pads every month?
We should not be blinded to politics to the extent of not understanding our needs. Menstrual pads for girls is a need not a want.
Similar lies were created about the free soaps the previous government were distributing to households during the Ebola period to promote hand wash and personal hygiene. I can still recall how my neighbors refused to accept the soaps saying they are the carriers of the virus. I requested the person distributing them to give it to me and I will convince them later to accept them. I did try but most of them refused. At the end, I benefited a lot from the loaf of soaps. I could go for months without buying soaps. Their ignorance and naive behavior cost them their money. I used the soap and I am still alive and kicking. It saved me few bucks, too. We should learn to think. Let's be critical of posts we read or listen to on social media. We have a lot of unpatriotic individuals bent on only sabotaging good things for their selfish political gains. They would politicize everything.

©Amadu Wurie Jalloh
®The Emmanuel Ivorgba Foundation
® Students Analysts and Writers Network

Sunday, 1 March 2020

One Belt, One Road Initiative: A Familiar Pathway for Africa?

By Amadu Wurie Jalloh

2013 was a phenomenal year in the discuss of international trade and political cooperation. President Xi Jinping of China announced his country’s ambitious but yet strategic plan for a “Silk Road Economic Belt” and a “21st Century Maritime Silk Road” that will formally be dubbed as “Belt and Road Initiative” (BRI). The BRI will run through Asia into Europe extending to Africa (Mukwaya and Mold, 2018). Meanwhile, the Sino-African bromance had started since April 1955 Bandung (Asian-African) Conference where government officials from twenty-nine Asian and African states met in Bandung, Indonesia to deliberate the role of the Third World in the Cold War and the promotion of Peace, economic prosperity, and decolonization (Office of the Historian, Foreign Service Institute, United States Department of State, n.d.). The aim of this paper is to assess the development implications of China’s BRI to Africa with a particular focus on pointing out the arguments for and against the policy drive.
The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), what is about?
China, over the past three decades has progressed from being a more traditionally agricultural dependent economy into an inward -looking state, and today into a global economic and tech-producing giant close to the United States (Cheung & Lee, 2015—as cited by ZiroMwatela & Changfeng, 2016). In order to secure its stature in the international system and enhance its full economic potentials, China’s president Xi Jinping could in 2013 reestablish 2100 years old Han Dynasty’s  ‘Silk Road’ initiative that aimed to encourage trade and cultural interchange between China, Asia, Africa and Europe covering 7000 km at around 206 BC to 24 AD (Li et al., 2015—as cited by ZiroMwatela & Changfeng, 2016 ).  Meanwhile, the new “Silk Road Economic Belt,” débuted as ‘One Belt One Road’ (OBOR) imitative or Yídàiyílù encompasses two symbiotically and unified principles that connects China to 67 foreign countries across Asia, Europe and Africa through the following means: the ‘Silk Road Economic Belt’ comprising of network of roads, railways, power grids and gas pipelines that flows over land from mainland China in Xi’an, through the capital Shanxi Province and onward to Central Asia, down to Mosco, Rotterdam and Venice, which interconnectivity is dubbed EURASIA . And the Maritime Silk Road (MSR) that entails erection of network of seaports in the South China sea, Indian Ocean and the South Pacific Ocean that will basically link South East Asia, Oceania, East Africa and North Africa through the Mediterranean. It will basically target 4.4 billion people in those 67 countries representing 63% of the global population. According to Varlare and Putten (2015—cited by ZiroMwatela & Changfeng, 2016, p. 11) the central pillars of the BRI are “promotion of policy coordination, facilitating connectivity, unimpeded trade, financial integration, and people to-people bonds.”. Kenya, Djibouti and Egypt are the BRI’s main target in Africa (ZiroMwatela and Changfeng, 2016). The initiative has two main sources of fund: the Asian Infrastructural Investment Bank (AIIB, USD$ 100 billion) and the Silk Road Fund (SRF) with a funding portfolio of USD$ 40 billion to be bankrolled entirely within the belt and road (Cheung & Lee, 2015—cited by ZiroMwatela & Changfeng, 2016). An additional fund from China’s foreign exchange reserve (USD$ 7 trillion) and its sovereign wealth fund (USD$ 220 billion) are also going to be utilized. Meanwhile, its biggest committers are the China Development Bank and the Export Import Bank of China (Exim Bank) with USD$ 1 trillion commitment made.
What is in this for Africa?
So far, 50 Chinese state-owned companies are engaged in 1,700 infrastructural projects across the strategic areas the BRI is covering valued at about USD$ 900 billion (Nantulya, 2019). Xi is also remarked to have highlighted how Africa will benefit from the initiative noting that “inadequate infrastructure is the biggest bottleneck to Africa’s development,” a rhetoric clamored by many of his counterparts in Africa (Nantulya, 2019). By now, 40 out of 55 African States have signed an MOU with China for the BRI with hope to complement their effort in strengthening infrastructural advancement, attract foreign direct investment to stabilize their economies and create jobs, open up to marketing opportunities, and ultimately tackle poverty (Dahir, 2019). Efforts have already been made to upgrade the Mombasa port, and the capital of Nairobi extending to landlock neighbouring countries like South Sudan, Uganda, Ethiopia, Rwanda, and Burundi to create a chain of connectivity for business ease (ZiroMwatela & Changfeng, 2016). Other remarkable benefit of this programme includes a 2,600 Mega Watt (MW) hydropower scheme in Nigeria; USD$ 3 billion worth of telecom equipment to Ethiopia, Sudan, and Ghana; and badly needed railway connections in Nigeria, Gabon, and Mauritania (Riberg, n.d). In general, the initiative will invest USD$ 170.7 billion into construction activities across sub-Saharan Africa that is hoped to accelerate both interstate and intercontinental trade boom (OECD, 2018). In a survey conducted by the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa, result shows a potential increase in Africa’s exports by up to USD$ 192 million per year (Nantulya, 22nd March, 2019). Meanwhile, China has also taken over the US as Africa’s single largest trading partner as per volumes from a trivial sum of USD$ 1 billion in 1980 to USD$ 200 billion in 2014 stock exchange worth (ZiroMwatela & Changfeng, 2016). As at 2017, for instance, China buys 95% of crude oil produced in South Sudan; 61% of mineral export from Angola; 36% from Sierra Leone, to name but a few (Dahir, 2019). Several other sectors have received boost, too. More Africans are gaining scholarship opportunities to study technologically advanced courses in China. Medical expertise from the Republic have also been providing support across the region when needed the most. In general, supporters of the initiative are with the view that this will help redefine global political and international order, and provide Africa its badly needed infrastructural gap to help enhance interstate and intercontinental trade that will ultimately unleash the continent’s full economic and development potentials (Looy, 2006). In a study conducted by Mukwaya and Mold (2018), results shows that BRI can substantially benefit East African countries by reducing the export and imports trade margins by 10%, increasing GDP in the subregion from 0.4 to 1.2 per centage points. They also argued that the initiative would also boost regional welfare of nearly USD$ 1 billion while also increasing net exports of countries in the continent by USD$ 192 million through intra-regional trade.
The neocolonial undertone of the initiative
Despite the assurance of non-interference on political affairs of partner states given by China (as opposed to the Marshall Plan of the West), critics of the initiative are showing no hesitation to declare the BRI a neocolonial drive to advance China’s military and political expansionism agenda that will further destabilize economies in Africa whilst leaving the region entrapped in debt burden to China. For instance, the decision to establish a military facility in Djibouti (East Africa) where major powers like the US and France are also based, have raised concerns over the genuineness of the intent of China’s initiative (Dahir & Kazeem, 2018; ZiroMwatela & Changfeng, 2016). The Red Sea being a doorway to accessing the Indian Ocean and the Suez Canal through which 30% of world shipping activities take place, critics cannot quite push the power struggles as being the hidden agenda for global powers such as USA, France and now, in a conning manner,  China to establish military presence in the region (ZiroMwatela & Changfeng, 2016). Security partnership has underpinned global order since 1945 (The Sun, 22nd August, 2016). In effort to seek recognition as a major global power, China now deploys peacekeeping forces in South Sudan, Mali, Liberia, and Democratic Republic of Congo—making Africa a playground for flexing its muscular capability (Dahir & Kazeem, 2018). A French newspaper called Le Monde also released a document in 2017 accusing China of spying on the African Union headquarters in Ethiopia through a computer networking system that it gifted and programmed for the Union in 2012 (Dahir, 30th January, 2018). Critics also fear that China is luring Africa into the so called ‘debt trap.’ They have used the experience of Sri Lanka who in 2017 had to transfer ownership of Hambantota Port to Chinese state-owned companies on a 99-year lease for failure to payback infrastructural loan. Pakistan were subjected to similar treatment on a 40 years lease with Chinese partner retaining 90% of its revenue (Nantulya, 22nd March, 2019). In 2019, for instance, following a warning by Ugandan Auditor general over huge external debt distress incurred by the country and the risk that circumstances agreed upon for loans place on the country’s sovereign assets, neighbouring Kenya’s parliament opened an investigation into the conditions under which strategic Indian Ocean port of Mombasa would have been used as collateral for loan granted to its government by China’s Exim Bank to construct the Mombasa to Nairobi railway (Nantulya, 22nd March, 2019).
Like any other development intervention, we can see that the gives and takes of the BRI are quite compelling a political and economic debate. In conclusion, with critical examination, one could see a bit of a discord between the rhetoric regarding the BRI and the agenda to provide Africa with an alternative pathway to genuine development different from its experience with Western hegemonic powers that has reduced the continent to barely resource producing and loan seeking and debt accruing continent with no sovereignty.
Dahir A. L. (2019). These are the African Countries not signed to China’s Belt and Road Project, retrieved from: -road-plan/amp/ (16th February, 2020)
 Dahir A. L. & Kazeem Y. (7th March, 2018). China is pushing Africa into debt, says America’s top diplomat, retrieved from: (13th February, 2020)
Looy J. (2006). Africa and China: A Strategic Partnership? , ASC Working Paper 67
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